Personal Development

Take A Walk In The Space
Difference exists in the space between us and can be fertile ground for connection and growth. In this workshop we will take a turn to walk in the space, and discover how our gestures, movements, feelings, expressions, express both our desire for belonging and our fear of connection. Participants will develop a sense of what stood out about them with others and what others picked up on that wasn’t obvious through verbal expression. Explore experientially the “trauma activation” that happens at a nervous system level in our fight, flight, freeze response with one another, and learn how to gain enough support to meet the other fully.

This daylong workshop provides exercises and experiments to support creative dialogue stemming from psychodrama, improv, image theatre and theatre of the oppressed, supported by theoretical concepts rooted in Gestalt principles and groundbreaking theory on trauma.

Date: Saturday April 10
Time: 10:00-5:00pm
Fee: $180, Early Bird: $150 (register before March 10)
Call: 416-964-9464

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