Explore the GIT


Fees and Funding >>

How much are tuition fees?

Please refer to The Training Program for a detailed schedule of fees. Learn More…


Are tuition fees tax deductible?

Tuition fees for The Training Program and the One-Year Gestalt Training Program for Professionals are eligible for tax receipts in accordance with Human Resources Development Canada, for the sole purpose of Section 118.5 and 118.6 of the Income Tax Act, as a designated institution providing courses, (other than courses designed for university credit) that furnish a person with skills for, or improve a person’s skills in a recognized occupation. Receipts are issued each February.

Are students eligible for OSAP?

No. Not at this time.

Do you offer bursaries?

Yes. Currently we have four bursaries available each year. Students entering Year 2, 3 or Year 4 of The Training Program and meeting eligibility requirements may apply to receive bursaries. We hope to be able to offer more bursaries and awards in the future.

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