Explore the GIT


Jay Tropianskaia

Jay Tropianskaia, RP   | Director of Training

Senior Faculty

Jay Tropianskaia, Senior Faculty, has been a part of the history of the Gestalt Institute of Toronto since 1985 when she trained with the founder Jorge Rosner who brought the theatrical dynamism of his teacher Fritz Perls into a uniquely spiritual and humanistic framework. From 1994 she worked with Executive Director Joanne Greenham to refine the curriculum to ensure excellence of training of psychotherapists, which introduced Gestalt Therapy to the broader community of health care professionals. On Joanne Greenham’s untimely death in 2014, it fell to Jay to bring the GIT one more step into recognition as a meaningful contemporary therapy through providing a competency mapping and curriculum for recognition by the newly formed CRPO. The new curriculum marked a shift in the Five Year Training Program to the internationally based Contemporary Gestalt approach which is embodied, relational and field centered. In addition to her life commitment to the GIT, Jay is a Registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Supervisor, in private practice in Toronto.


Tony Greco

Carolina Edwards, RP   | Executive Director

Senior Faculty

Carolina Edwards. In addition to being senior faculty and an RP in private practice, since taking over as ED and co-director of the GIT, Carolina has gained a new full time job. Having distinguished herself as a pioneer in the field of educational audiology since the early eighties, Carolina is now the first Executive Director to represent the GIT on several Boards, to coordinate Toronto’s first international Gestalt conference and to give the GIT a public face in government legislative action. This plus having spearheaded the renovation work at the new building. As Senior Faculty, she brings her knowledge and experience with such diverse areas as disability, youth and the training of educational professionals to her love of Gestalt. She has become a role model for the practice of Gestalt therapy with compassion, insight and gentle humour.


Tony Greco

Tony Greco, RP   | Senior Faculty

Tony Greco, RP, Senior Faculty, graduated from the Gestalt Institute of Toronto in 2004. He has been in private practice since graduation, working with individuals, couples and groups. Tony first joined the Institute in 2008 as Assistant Faculty and was promoted to Faculty in 2013. He has brought his extensive store of knowledge of the roots of psychotherapy into the creation of our Year Five Contemporary Issues in Psychotherapy Reading Group.
Working in the here and now with compassion and presence, Tony brings his commitment to classical Gestalt practice. Tony has a Bachelor of Arts and has pursued graduate and postgraduate work in philosophy and political theory at the University of Western Ontario.

Lauren Nancarrow Clarke

Lauren Nancarrow Clarke, RSW   | Faculty

Lauren Nancarrow Clarke, RSW, brings over a decade of facilitating group and individual therapy. As the newest GIT faculty member, she brings her warmth, sense of connection, and commitment to teaching and therapy. Lauren has worked in Seattle and New York City, and now in Toronto at a large mental health and addictions hospital since 2007. She first graduated from Smith College School of Social Work with a masters in social work specializing in psychodynamic and relational practice, and from the GIT in 2014.

Lauren has also trained in using movement with individuals to become a 5Rhythms® movement therapy facilitator. She creates and offers personal development programs at the GIT incorporating the body into Gestalt to experience more wholeness and connection in life.

Louisa De amaral

Luisa de Amaral, RP   | Faculty

Luisa de Amaral, RP, CGT, IMG, OACCPP. Luisa’s passion for travel, adventure and bio/cultural diversity has taken her across many borders and led to her broad understanding of diverse cultures and issues of importance to her clients. After experiencing the magic of Gestalt, she gladly gave up a career in medicine and has not looked back since. She’s been working as a Gestalt therapist for about a decade and is currently in private practice in Toronto, where she works with individuals, couples and groups. Having been a grassroots environmental justice activist, Luisa now focuses on applying Gestalt principles to support dialogue, in solidarity with people’s struggles. She has additional training in Art Therapy, Couples Therapy, Sensory Awareness and Theatre of the Oppressed. Her trauma-informed bottom up approach embraces the paradox of human existence with sensitivity and playfulness.


Guest Leaders

Charlene Avalos

Charlene Avalos

Charlene Avalos has worked and lived in the Aboriginal Community since 1980 when she became the first Band Social Worker for the Heiltsuk Nation in B.C. She has worked at Native Child in Family Services for the last twenty seven years. She helped develop the Mooka’am Treatment Program under the guidance and direction of numerous Elders and traditional people in southern Ontario. She is a strong believer in the healing power of traditional ceremony and practice interwoven with contemporary intervention strategies. She has a Masters Degree in Social Work, is a graduate of the Gestalt Institute of Toronto, and has studied Psycho dramatic body work, play therapy and theraplay to name a few. She teaches courses at Ryerson University including Aboriginal Approaches to Social Work.

Michael Clemmens

Michael Clemmens, PhD is a licensed psychologist with a private practice in Pittsburgh, PA working with individuals and couples. He is a faculty member at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland and Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. He travels nationally and internationally teaching and offering experiential learning opportunities. He is the author of Getting Beyond Sobriety: Clinical Approaches to Long Term Recovery published by Gestalt Press and the articles “Culture and Body,” “Gestalt Therapy as an Embodied Relational Dialogue” and the editor of the soon to be published book Embodied Relational Gestalt, to be published by Gestalt Press.

Ruella Frank photo

Ruella Frank

Ruella Frank, PhD, has been exploring early infant movements and their relationship to the adult since the mid-1970s. She brings many years of experience to her work as a Gestalt psychotherapist — as a professional dancer, yoga practitioner/teacher, student of various movement theories, and student of Laura Perls, co-founder of Gestalt therapy.

Ruella is founder and director of the Center for Somatic Studies, faculty at the New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, faculty at Gestalt Associates for Psychotherapy, and also teaches throughout the United States, Europe, Mexico, and Russia.

Shirley Gillis-Kendall

Shirley Gillis-Kendall

Shirley Gillis-Kendall, Beedahbun nemki kwe, is Turtle Clan and a member of the Alderville First Nation. She has worked extensively within the Toronto Aboriginal community for over thirty years developing and implementing programs for children, individuals and families within all components of the Medicine Wheel. The foundation of Shirley’s ‘holistic health for life’ plan was the awakening of her spirit with a definitive ‘recognition of being’ as an Anishnawbe-kwe with inherent gifts, rights and responsibilities. Shirley returned to formal education to support and give credence to more than thirty years of self-directed studies. She received a Diploma, Magnum Cum Laude in Applied Holistic Nutrition and is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner under the Canadian Nutritional Practitioners of Canada. Her diverse career has led to her current position as Director of Services and Well Being for the Kunuwanimano Child and Family Services.

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb

Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb is a psychologist, psychotherapist and has been a Gestalt Therapy trainer since 1979. She is the founder and director of the Istituto di Gestalt HCC Italy.   She has edited seven books, authored two books and hundreds of papers and chapters on various aspects of Gestalt therapy theory and method. She has led Gestalt therapy training workshops in over twenty countries and also cooperates with many research groups on psychotherapy internationally. She is the director of the Advanced International Training Programs in Gestalt Psychopathology and Contemporary Disturbances, Training Programs for Supervisors and Summer Programs for psychotherapists for personal work and professional updates.

Susan Sinclair photo

Susan Sinclair

Susan Sinclair directs the Alexander Technique Teacher Training Program and maintains a private practice at her Toronto studio in the Alexander Technique and the Pilates Method. Susan has presented her work internationally and is on faculty at The Houston School for The Alexander Technique and The Alexander Alliance Tokyo. She is an Alexander Technique International certified teacher and sponsor


Shan Qi

Shan Qi

Shan Qi is a somatic, trauma informed Gestalt psychotherapist and trainer who has worked deeply with survivors of catastrophic trauma using phenomenological relational heart to heart humanity. She shares this training with health care practitioners, from any discipline who are interested in the use of the embodied self, which we call Presence. Shan is also a graduate of the Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy Program in New York, and has completed training in somatic experiencing, psychodrama, and sensory awareness.

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