Personal Development

Shamanism For Gestaltists: Your Psychic Gifts
Part Three of a series (each part is a stand alone) The intersection between shamanism and embodied relational Gestalt explores the humanism of psychic gifts. This experiential workshop will engage participants in psychic games and experiments intended to bring into awareness what Merleau- Ponty called “a living sense more ancient than thought.” The contemporary Gestalt therapist like the shaman is invited to awaken the most subtly sensing of shifts in every co-created field, using ones own senses to know the other’s intention. All senses that are experienced on the most subtle and delicate level can be called “sixth senses.” The concept of spiritual generally refers to all that is beyond our human world. In this workshop what we know about being human is expanded to include what was once called the world of spirit.

Date: Tuesday March 2 & 9, 16, 2021
Time: 6:30-9:00pm
Fee: $225, Early Bird: $195 (register by January 18)
Call: 416-964-9464

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