Personal Development

Uncomfortable Conversations About Race And Colonialism – Online
The intention of the workshop is to invite participants to experience the edges of honest self reflection and disclosure in a particularly Gestalt approach. The workshop is not without personal risk. We have found that in communicating the impact of one participant to another there is often an unawareness of shame and trauma in the field. Questions arise such as: How do I raise the issue of race or culture with another if it is in my mind? What do I do if I feel unfairly seen as a racist? What about my feelings? Expressions such as “white privilege” and “pulling the race card” and “what is it like to be the only black person in this room” create shock and reactivity at a body level. This is where our tools of embodied awareness, resonance and attunement can support our ability to acknowledge the field of shame which then becomes a doorway to contact.

Date: Six Tuesday evenings, November 3, 10, 17, 24, December 1, 8, 2020
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Fee: $225
Call: 416-964-9464

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